Sunday, December 09, 2012


blog no longer updated... BUT... Hello there! I no longer update this blog, due to the fact that I don't really like writing, and aren't really sure that people read it hehehe *sheepish grin*

BUT, I am still actively scrapbooking and you can find my stuff over at the link below!

Thanks for reading, IF THERE'S ANYONE OUT THERE!! ♥

"Scrapping, a set on Flickr by sabrinatxe"

bernard's birthday_commissionImage053IMG_8383IMG_8381IMG_8385IMG_2524
IMG_2522IMG_1449+IMG_1450+IMG_1462+IMG_0843 blurredIMG_0842

Saturday, January 07, 2012

a box of love

mommy dearest
I finally found Sassafras 'foldies' in stores here! So this was made with a tonne of them, Prima flowers, Stickles, and buttons amongst other things.


Tuesday, January 03, 2012

happy 2012 everyone.
I hope your year is filled with Love, Laughter and lots of Joy.  ♥